HOORAY: the Scheuten website is now also live!

The past few months we have been working hard on an updated house style, an attractive jobsite and employer branding. Now the website has also been launched: Scheuten.com is live!

Developments never stand still
Scheuten has always been at the forefront of important innovations. Together with the team, Glas Trösch and our partners, we continue to learn, discover and grow. Good examples are the Scheuten Academy for sharing knowledge and the customer platform Glassist for easy management of orders and all related matters.

Scheuten is taking big steps forward, but retains its informal character. Every day, we still pursue the same core values: certainty, progressive, flexibility and openness.

We also propagate these values to the outside world. For you as a partner, but also for future employees. Because a growing company also needs new faces.

What have we done?

With all these wonderful developments, a new look and feel could not be left behind. The old look no longer suited Scheuten anno 2024. We set to work on our house style: refreshing the colours, the logo and the now widely promoted pay-off ‘We know glass’.

An attractive jobsite was the next step. Who better to tell the Scheuten story than our own people? So we drove past our branches to capture these stories in beautiful testimonials. The Scheuten faces shine in the new photography. Then it was time for Scheuten.com. The website underwent a complete overhaul. With the arrival of a modern and well-organised website, all information is easier to find.

We hope you are as enthusiastic about the new look and websites as we are. Together we are building a bright future: grow with us!

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